Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Preferred date Are you tenant, landlord or agency?TenantLandlordAgencyHow big is your house *Studio1 Bedroom2 Bedroom3 Bedroom4 BedroomProperty Type *HouseFlatAre there any aditional rooms? *NoYesDoes the property require a carpet cleaning (washing)YesNoHow many double bedrooms required carpet cleaning? Selected Value: 0 How many haliways required carpet cleaning ? Selected Value: 0 *Please count each capreted floor if the housenhas more than one floor or levels.How many set of stairs required carpet cleaning ? Selected Value: 0 Tell us what material the carpet is made of *Choice 1Wool CarpetNylon CarpetPolypropylene (Olefin) CarpetPolyester CarpetI dont have such infoOtherIf you don’t aware, please choose ”I dont have such info” option.How many landings required carpet cleaning ? Selected Value: 0 *Please count each landing bewtween the staircaises, not the hallway.How many single bedrooms required carpet cleaning Selected Value: 0 What is the carpet colour? *Light greyDark GreyLght BrownDark BrownBlueRedMixedUndefinedWhich of theese is more acurate?The carpet has a random stains more than month oldThe carpet has light stains, mainly in high traffic areasThe carpet is havy durty, has a lot of stainsThe carpet is in good condition,just need refereshingPlease choose a most acurate carpet condition from the dropdown menu.Are the cupboards empty? *YesNoHave there been any renovations done to the property recently? *NoBathroomsKitchenRoomsWhole propertyIs the property furnished or unfurnished?(exclude kitchen cupboards)? *YesNoHas the last tenancy at [Property Address] been concluded with an eviction?YesNoAre there any of these ?Fridge ( must be defrosted in advance)Double ovenHoodDishwasherWashing machineToasterAny other kitchen applainceAdd more information (for your requirements for example)Phone *Name *FirstLastEmail *Address first line *Address second line *City * line bedrooms line Post Code *Best time to call *AnytimeWorking hoursAfter working hoursEmail onlyTerms *I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions *Submit